FAQs for In-Person Market Participants
Thank you for your interest in Merrickville’s Makers Markets! By applying to be a participating maker, you are committing to reading, understanding and following the information found below, as well as other directives provided by the organizers pre-event and during the event itself. Particularly during these times, the safety of everyone is our highest priority. Additionally, space will be very limited. If your plans to participate must change, it is your responsibility to advise us as soon as possible.
Please take a moment to read this information now.
Who can participate?
Due to space limitations, our indoor markets (Spring and Christmas) are open to members only. Our outdoor market (Fall) is open to our members as well as qualifying non-members who successfully complete the formal application process. Please note that membership applications for 2025 are now closed.
Where are the markets held? (subject to change)
Merrickville Community Centre (indoors) and/or Fairgrounds (outdoors)
446 Main Street, Merrickville ON K0G 1N0
**Exciting news for the Merrickville Community Centre! Thanks to an Ontario Trillium Fund grant, an upgrade project is taking place throughout 2024/2025. Most importantly, the changes will make the building more accessible to individuals with disabilities. Additionally, it will spiff up the building, making it a more welcoming space for all. The Village has committed to keeping all users up-to-date on any work that may impact our use. For a sneak peek on their plans, click here.
What are the dates and times of the markets for 2025?
Saturday and Sunday, March 29/30, 2025: Indoors at the Merrickville Community Centre. Please note this is a Members Only event; due to space limitations, we will not be offering spots to non-members.
Saturday, September 13, 2025: Outdoors at the Merrickville Fairgrounds (rain date in Sunday, September 21).
Saturday and Sunday, November 29/30, 2025: Indoors at the Merrickville Community Centre. Please note this is a Members Only event; due to space limitations, we will not be offering spots to non-members.All markets run 10 am - 4 pm (move in 8:30-9:45am; move out 4:00-5:00pm - no earlier, no later)
Please note outdoor markets go rain or shine! Extreme weather forecasts, however, (e.g., heavy or prolonged precipitation, wind gusts of 30-35 km/hr or more, electrical storm, etc.) may call for a cancellation.
Have special procedures been put in place to help ensure the safety of everyone present?
Indeed, we are required by the Village of Merrickville to alert first responders and public health of our event. We must present a safety plan in order for the market to proceed. This may or may not include: weather threshold, mandatory masking, active/passive screening of all makers, volunteers and customers; contact tracing; hand washing/sanitizing stations; and, limits on the number of people permitted at the event.
Is there a cost for people to visit the market?
There is no entry fee for customers, although we often partner with a local charity.
What does it cost to rent a space?
$50.00 (members)
$80.00 (non-members)
What about cancellations?
Your market fees are non-refundable and cannot be credited to a future event. If we must cancel a market due to circumstances beyond our control (e.g. extreme weather, public health regulations, etc), you will be notified as quickly as possible with information on next steps. Exceptions to our cancellation policy may be made at the organizers’ discretion only.
Do I need to provide proof of liability insurance?
Yes, all participating makers must provide a certificate of insurance indicating they have a minimum of $2 million liability insurance. Both Margaret Armour and Merrickville’s Makers Markets must be listed as additional insured. We can help you with this, if you don’t already have your own insurance. If your application to participate is accepted, we will provide you with a link for getting a no-obligation quote for event insurance through DUUO (Co-operator’s Insurance).
I am a food concession or a food maker. Is there anything special I should be aware of?
If you sell food products of any sort, are a food concession or offer samples of food, you must adhere to all food safety guidelines as laid out by the Leeds-Grenville Public Health Unit and complete all applicable forms. We are required to submit a list of food purveyors to the health unit in advance of the market for their follow-up.
Please take a minute to read the Health Unit checklist. Don’t panic! It’s not as hard as it sounds. The Health Unit may be reaching out to you directly to help ensure your success.
How much space am I allotted?
10'x10' (outside events)
8’ x 8’ (inside events)
Can I choose my location?
Can I share my booth?
No. There is no sharing of booth space.
What equipment must I provide?
You must provide your own table and chairs for outdoor events. You may bring a tent (max 10’ x 10’), but all four corners must be fully weighted.
Tables and chairs are available for indoor events, should you choose to use them (no charge).
Power & WiFi
WiFi and (limited) power is available for indoor events ONLY. There is no charge for WiFi or power. Please ensure you have sufficient data and a back-up power source for your phones, iPads, etc. when participating in outdoor events.
Washrooms and food service?
There will be port-a-potties and hand-washing stations on-site for outdoor events; washrooms are available for indoor events. A canteen will be available pending public health regulations.
When can I apply?
Applications for all markets are made available to members first. Once the member booking deadline has passed, any remaining space is made available to qualifying makers for our Fall market only. Please follow us on socials or subscribe to our mailing list to stay in the loop.
What is the application process?
General applications (for our outdoor markets only and if space permits) will be promoted via our mailing list a few weeks prior to the market date. If your application is accepted, we will send you an email with payment instructions. Please note - only participating makers will be notified. Be aware of the multitude of scams operating through social media. We never solicit participants this way.
Why have I not been accepted?
Please note that all applicants are carefully screened to ensure we have an appropriate mix of products while achieving the high level of quality our customers have come to expect. We prefer to focus on makers who reside within 50km of Merrickville. Hand-made items only; no direct sales.
Can I demonstrate what I do?
Definitely. Bring a project that you’re working on! Show off a technique! Make it interactive and engaging for our customers. They come to the markets for the experience, not just to shop!
Is there parking?
Makers will be allowed to drive onto the fairground site for set-up and tear-down (unless the ground is soft!). You will be directed to nearby parking by volunteers once the market is underway.
How many people can staff my space?
We really prefer that you just have one or two people staffing your space. You can always arrange to have a friend spell you off. We want as many customers to be able to access the market as possible, but we may be limited to the number of people allowed onsite.
When do I find out which booth space I have?
A few days before the market. The layout of the market will vary depending upon restrictions.
Where do I unload?
Volunteers will direct you when you arrive.
Money machines
We do NOT have an ATM onsite. Please consider how you can make it easy for your customers to pay.
>>APPLICATIONS FOR our 2025 markets are not yet available<<
Subscribe to our mailing list and be the first to know about future market opportunities. Please note that, due to the high volume of applicants, only those selected to participate in each market will receive a reply.